A pilot network for organic climate farming

A pilot network of climate organic farming

250 farms from 12 countries across Europe

Networking and Peer-to-peer learning

On-farm climate data collection and strategies

Using the power of organic farming to reach EU climate goals

The EU aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In the agricultural sector, the EU sees organic farming in a key role to achieve this goal, as it promotes practices that support climate change mitigation with additional co-benefits for the environment.

The OrganicClimateNET Project acts as a model for the European organic sector to enable farmers to integrate climate farming, thereby enhancing their capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

250 farms from 12 countries across Europe
Networking and Peer-to-peer learning

On-farm climate data collection and strategies


Using the power of organic farming to reach EU climate goals

The EU aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In the agricultural sector, the EU sees organic farming in a key role to achieve this goal, as it promotes practices that support climate change mitigation with additional co-benefits for the environment.

The OrganicClimateNET Project acts as a model for the European organic sector to enable farmers to integrate climate farming, thereby enhancing their capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

OrganicClimateNET in a nutshell

Enabling farmers to integrate organic climate farming

OrganicClimateNET will establish a network involving and supporting 250 organic farms to spearhead the integration of organic climate farming. Facilitated by trained advisors, farmers will engage in dynamic peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchanges within 24 hubs across 12 EU countries.

Knowledge Network

Build a pioneering national Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (nAKIS) for organic climate farming, acting as a prototype for future expansion across the European organic sector.

Tools & Methods

Provide and test tools & methods such as trainings, knowledge material and peer-to-peer learnings, making them easily accessible for farmers and advisors.

Climate Farming Strategies

Support farms to calculate carbon assessements and develop individual farm-climate-strategies, linking it with potential rewarding schemes.

Research & Policy

Analyse and prepare data on climate impact of organic, conduct policy workshops and provide a policy action plan to ensure support for farmers.


Climate & organic farming: making a natural symbiosis future-fit

Organic climate farming refers to an agricultural approach that links organic farming principles with climate farming practices.

The principles of organic farming promote a healthy planet, integrating ecological systems and natural cycles in its work. This approach benefits healthy soils, promotes biodiversity, and provides other co-benefits leading to resilient farming systems.

By incorporating a particular climate perspective into these principles, organic climate farming will contribute to increasing climate resilience and supporting wider climate change mitigation activities.

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