In an era where climate change poses significant challenges to our food systems and environment, the OrganicClimateNET project aims to enable farmers to integrate and optimize organic climate farming across Europe.

Aligned with the European Union’s ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050, our mission is to support farmers in adopting organic methods that enhance farm resilience and protect our environment.

We are currently in the starting phase of the project, launching several key elements. In the upcoming months, you will hear more in detail about the activities in this blog. Here, we list a few of the key tasks we are currently working in parallel on:

Setting Up 24 Hubs across 12 countries

We will establish 24 farmers hubs across 12 European countries, covering 250 farmers. These hubs will be built as “AKIS” (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems), including farmers, advisors, and relevant (organic) associations. We are seeking “hub-coaches” and farmers that will act as a hub. The hubs act as a model for future integration of climate farming in the EU: They will use, and test tools & methods provided in this project, providing important feedback for future scaling of EU-organic farming.

Tools & Methods for Climate Farming

To enhance the capacity of organic farmers in climate farming, we are developing a suite of tools & methods tailored to organic climate agriculture. These tools will include an overview of data collection for carbon assessments, training for carbon assessments & farm strategies, and an overview on reward schemes.

Collecting Best Practices and Existing Knowledge

OrganicClimateNET is compiling, disseminating best practices, and existing knowledge materials in organic climate farming. Together with the Tools & Methods, they will become part of a Decision Support toolbox, assisting farmers in developing their organic climate farming strategy.

Creating an Inventory of Policies and Policymakers

Understanding the policy landscape is crucial for advancing climate organic farming. We will develop an inventory of policies and policymakers at EU level. This inventory will help identify opportunities for advocacy and collaboration, ensuring that supportive policies are in place to promote the growth and sustainability of organic climate farming.

For more information and updates on our progress, visit our website and follow us on social media. Let us work together to make a difference!

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