LLKC (Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs) acts as the national coordinator in Latvia in the OrganicClimateNET project, responsible for managing a group of farmers who are interested in learning and implementing innovative practices that benefit both the environment and society. The LLKC oversees and coordinates a group of 20 farmers, divided into two ‘hubs’, where they work together to identify the best sustainable farming strategies on organic dairy and beef farms.

Organic farming in Latvia

In Latvia, the organic sector continues to grow and is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Farmers who follow organic farming practices are granted additional support. Support is also available for investments to promote resource efficiency and sustainable land management.

The number of organic farms is increasing

In 2005, 2,838 farms were organic; by 2023, 3,610 farms are organic and account for more than 15% of agricultural land. Organic farming is undergoing a structural change: the number of small farms (0-30ha) and the area farmed are decreasing, while the number of large farms (100ha and more) and the area farmed have been increasing significantly in recent years.

Organic farming, organic food – it makes sense. -LLKC.

Share of organic farming area in the total area in the country is 15,3 %, incl. arable land 11.8%, cereals 8.1%, potatoes 7.8%, open field vegetables 6.6%, orchards and berries (incl. strawberries) 41.0%.

Organic farming was slow to take off in Latvia, developing slowly, but now it can be said that it is becoming an important feature of Latvia, as well as becoming familiar and self-evident to consumers.

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